Finally! A bit of a childhood dream just came true. A full-time, year-round gallery space at Brukstorget in Varberg, Sweden. It's time to make holiday plans my friends, and make this little beach town one of your stops - I'd love to meet you in person!


I've had a gallery in this same old factory building in the summer months previously and always felt sad to dismantle it all as fall rolled in. The opportunity to brush my hair for once and meet real people, get to be a part of their art buying journey from beginning to end was really invigorating! As much as I've loved moving away from the city and a corporate job, I miss being around people. Painting can sometimes be a very lonely job.


So when Frida, a brilliant ceramic artist who's had a permanent space here for a few years asked me to move in with her it was an easy yes. And as it turns out - we have very similar color preferences, our art just merged instantly.


I won't be using it as a studio but it's a space to always have my work on display and it's brilliant for workshops - I held the first one here a few weeks ago and another one is coming up in May.

You know when you're out on the water on a beautiful summer day and suddenly - out of nowhere - the water turns dark and the distant sound of thunder rolls in? 

Meet โ€œCloudscapeโ€, 50x70 cm / 20x28" painted in watercolor on paper.

Maria Wigge